You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > 1.3.14. File - Debtors Contract Pricing > Updating a Debtor Contract

Updating a Debtor Contract

You can update the details of a contract in the Debtors Contract Pricing master file, e.g. you can add or remove items from the contract. You can also delete contracts you no longer require.

  1. Open the Debtors Contract File Update screen for the contract you want to update or delete.

Refer to "Opening the Debtors Contract Pricing Master File".

  1. Optionally, recall a contract by selecting FILE | FIND.
  1. Update the contract details as required.

Refer to "Adding a New Debtor Contract" and "Maintaining Items Included on the Contract".

  1. Update the customers to whom the contract is assigned if required.

Refer to "Edit - Current Assignments" or "Edit - Assign Contract".



If your company uses SalesLink/Opmetrix to receive customer orders into Micronet, make sure you read the topic "Creating Debtor Contracts for SalesLink / Opmetrix" before assigning the contract to customers.

  1. Select FILE | SAVE to save your changes.
  1. To delete the contract displayed, select FILE | DELETE.